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Shifting the Negative Influences
of your Past...
Unlocks Your Freedom From Within
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“... I really wasn’t expecting anything much different than ones (courses) I’ve done before. I have completed much personal growth work in the past, in fact, I’m have been teaching it to others for over 20 years, so I wondered what I might gleam from hers. Yet, right from the onset of both her (Veronique) mentoring and using her System, I realized it was different. Through the process and her amazing, insightful training, I was able to have a realization and breakthrough that was life-changing." 
Debra Gano  |  A
ward winning author
“... there have been changes in my life that are blissful when previously it was tumultuous."

Linda Beaulieu 

"Calmness of the Mind is one of the beautiful jewels of your wisdom."

N. Wolf 
Industry Leader
"These techniques have helped me work better in groups ( no more bullying ). If we were trained with with these techniques, then undoubtedly that extra fifty percent we seem to be missing in school will be filled in."

"I started reading Veronique's "Letter to Myself" and was amazed how quickly my life settled..."

Yate. Anderson 

Do you feel jaded from lost hopes & dreams?
Is business or your personal life 
thriving or just 
Are there relationship problems?
BECAUSE like it or not...  
It's about you being WILLING to
CHANGE WHAT HOLDS YOU BACK from having less of what you don't want & more of what you do want.

Cultivating 17 habits consistently and

using the lessor known tools of manifestation...

Obtains & Increases
Health | Happiness | Wealth

More Simply than You Can Imagine
Personally, Professionally, Organizationally

Little Known

Life Altering Tools

Make All the Difference.

The Right Sequence and Steps is how your vision becomes Reality.

Want do you want?

Not what you think you want, what you TRULY, REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT from your heart and soul.
Please Listen Below to Learn More!
A quick explanation of how the The System works for you.
00:00 / 01:58
A really cool part is it's super FUN because you can build an UNSHAKABLE LIFE in your own record time. 
"Mastering manifestation is about the ability to harness its influence for permanence in
in a world of change."
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 Tools to get what YOU want in LIFE.

Learn More
Fountain Pen
'The  Letter'
to myself
Image by Gian Cescon
Freedom is Internal
adult fables
Image by Gene Jeter
negativity restricts growth"
Broadcast Station
you can shed the root of what holds the human spirit captive more easily than you can imagine allowing the brillance of you to emerge thru joy verses pain   
your questions and your answers live in your choices - 


Veronique, the creator of 'The Letter' to Myself and 

The Freedom Is Internal System.


An uncomplicated, out of the box, so simple in their usthat your mind may hold you back from knowing how it's simplicity could possibly be an internal key to allowing your life, personally, professionally or even on an larger corporate level - to be - as you - honestly - passion it to be.

Grow yourself with


Treat yourself with


Live everyday with


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